hidell brooks is thrilled to start 2018 off with two unbelievable exhibitions by johan hagaman and jenny nelson. both artists have a strong sense of themselves through the exploration of their subject matter. they do not limit creativity but push though the boundaries to explore deeper into their subconscious. both bodies of new work are mature and strong firmly grounded in strong emotions.
jenny nelson attended maine college of art in portland, maine, and graduated with a bfa from bard college where she received a scholarship to the lacoste school of the arts in france. she has been living and working in woodstock, new york for 20 plus years. her early artistic training was focused on the classical and representational but it has always been her natural instinct to depict the surroundings in abstract forms. most of the paintings evolve as an intuitive reaction to her surroundings, be it interior space, inner space, or landscape. to evoke this kind of sensory memory in her work jenny applies many layers of paint, using gesture and an internal sense of color. traces of previous layers will remain visible, allowing colors to interact in ways they could not have anticipated. her compositions develop through a series of decisions that are both conscious and unconscious. with great sensitivity to these evolving colors and forms, a very personal abstract language emerges.
johan hagaman was born in jeffersonville, indiana, and earned both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in english from indiana university. after teaching english in the u.s. and in the peace corps in sierra leone, west africa, johan turned her love for stories and poetry into physical objects. she has work included in many public and private collections and museums such as the tennessee state museum and evansville (indiana) museum of arts and sciences. she is also the recipient of the tennessee individual artist fellowship for 2005. her sculptures are psychological in nature, exploring the stories and myths we create for ourselves to give us meaning. the work often depicts a figure embedded or entwined in some form of nature juxtaposed with rusted manmade objects, implying a larger story of the relationship between the interior landscape of the psyche and the exterior landscape of nature. johan lives and works in nashville, tn.
in the third gallery we have a wonderfully curated group exhibition of new work by gallery artists including selena beaudry, page davis, herb jackson, scott duce, ron porter, mary rountree more, ruth ava lyons and virginia scotchie.
the southend gallery crawl is friday, january 5th from 6-8 pm. all available work is on our website under each individual artist's tab. please contact the gallery if you need any further information.