hidell brooks had a wonderful time last week when 16 students from the brookstone school after school art program spent the afternoon with us. the school approached us last year to help with an art related event and we were so impressed we wanted to share the love of art with their children. in the end we helped start a weekly afternoon art program for the children to get even more exposure to the arts. the visit from the children was the icing on the cake to see the excitement first hand was amazing. it helped that they rode the lynx line from uptown to the southend! we had an informal talk about styles of art and how each artist uses different techniques when approaching their subject matter. we also talked about the emotional aspect of art and how an image can evoke certain feelings from the viewer. the intrigue and enthusiasm on their faces made our day.
brookstone schools seeks to raise up the next generation of leaders from charlotte’s inner-city neighborhoods by caring for the entire child and inviting families to invest in the lives of their children. after 15 years of existence, our results show a solid track record of our students’ academic achievement and growth. future expansion will include a preschool, after-school program, and the addition of residential housing to provide a safe and supportive full-time environment for students who are most in need.
hidell brooks strongly believes art can bring people together and change your view of life in a positive way. big shoutout to meg dewey for helping organize everything!